Friday, November 27, 2009
Sally Hansen Comfort Shine Lip Glaze

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sukran Gunu, Kara Cuma ve Kurban Bayrami

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sally Hansen @ CVS

Monday, November 23, 2009
Advance Screening of Old Dogs

Rihanna Cildirmis Olmali!!

source; justjared.buzznet.com
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Az once WoW da "Onyxian Whelpling" i Blizzard'in 5. yil hediyesi olarak posta kutumda buldum. Benim gibi WoW da evcil hayvan delisi birine verilebilecek ne guzel hediye. Thanks Blizzard!!!
Resmini bir ara eklerim.
Just got my "Onyxian Whelpling" from Blizzard as a WoW's fifth year anniversary gift.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Scrapbooking & Card Making Items @ Micheal's

Friday, November 20, 2009

Scrapbooking Items @ Micheal's

Jessica Alba ve Honor Warren

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oprah is going to end her show in 2011
Oprah's personal representative announced that Oprah is going to end her show in 2011.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A night on the town!!!
Pazartesi aksaminda parti yapilir mi???
I am going to attend a book reading party tonight! Now, I am curious about the rush hour traffic. I hope driving to the city will not take too long.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Amy Winehouse' a neler oluyor?

Amy Winehouse is a great vocal. Unfortunately, Amy's life style ruins her career. It seems that her boob job did not provide relief to her.
kaynak : celebslam
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Bigger The Hit The Harder They Fall:-)

Bu cumle "Meet the Spartans" filminin posterinde yaziyor.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Altima Imzami Atarim...

Kaliforniya saatiyle bu gece saat 11.05 pm olmadan yatmak yok...
In our history one of the most imporant person is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He died on November 10th 1938. Today is 71th anniversary of our great lost. I think I will not be able to sleep until 11.05 pm in pacific time tonight.
T.J. Maxx Home Goods!!!

Kasim ayi sonunda kutlanicak olan Thanksgiving {Sukran Gunu} dekorasyonlari ise Noel hazirliginin golgesinde kalmis. Dogru durust bir sey goremedim Sukran Gunu icin. Bu horoz-tavuk ciftinden baska:-)

Tabaklar ve tencerelerde genellikle Itayan ya da Portekiz el yapimi seramikten..
Home Goods ta her daim olan cam, kristal ev dekorasyon urunleri... Vazolar, surahiler, mumluklar yuzlerce cesit;
Eger sansliysaniz Home Goods ta evinize uygun hali ve ufak tefek mobilya {tekli koltuk vs} bulabilirsiniz. Hem de inanilmaz uygun fiyatlara;
Ev ve bahce dekorasyonunda metalden sus esyalari USA da cok kullaniliyor. Iste Home Goods taki metal dekorasyon urunlerinden sadece bir kare;
Eger USA da yorgan, yastik nerden aliniyor diye dusunuyorsaniz. Gogru bildiniz "Home Goods" tan.
Oldukca uzun bir post oldu...
Home Goods magazasi ve USA da ev esyasi alisverisi hakiinda bir fikir vermistir umarim.
Shopping Mage
The intenion of this post was to introduce "Home Goods" to Shopping Mage viewers. "Home Goods" sells many different kind of home goods:-) for reasonble prices. This place is one of the "must go" stores if you need to shop for your home:-)))
O.P.I Oje Vol.2

Merak edenler icin O.P.I ojeler USA da $8.50 yaklasik. Drug storelarin ya da ULTA nin indirimlerinde daha da ucuza bulabilirsiniz.
Shopping Mage
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
O.P.I. Oje.....