The Bigger The Hit The Harder They Fall:-)
Bu cumle "Meet the Spartans" filminin posterinde yaziyor.
"Meet the Spartans" bu aksam HBO da seyrettigimiz Hollywood'un ikinci sinif komedi filmlerinden biriydi. "Scary Movie" serisinin bir halkasi gibi. Ama bu filmde en cok "300 Spartans" filmiyle dalga gectiler. Filmin cekilis amaci zaten orjinaliyle dalga gecmek. Bazi yerlerde guzel espriler yakalamislar ancak bazi yerlerde yok artik iyice zivanadan cikmislar dedik:-) Yalniz Carmen Electra nin disiligine laf yok. Gecen sene Beyaz Show daki halini hatirlatti...
The Bigger The Hit The Harder They Fall:-)
We watched "Meet the Spartans" movie tonight on HBO. It was not a great movie but it was not bad, either. The concept of the movie was to teese the original movie, "300 Spartans". Carmen Electra was gorgeous as always. Her performance reminded us her appearance on the 'Beyaz Show" last year.
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